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As a nursery and trading house in sight of the target group

The floriculture trade is subject to major changes. It is becoming increasingly important to distinguish yourself and to stay in sight of your target group. Here, Kneppers saw a chance to tell their story and to highlight the unique factors of their company in the Netherlands and Kenya.

Kneppers Roses

Brand positioning brand identity website
Together with Kneppers Rozen we have examined their business. We pulled them out of the issues of the day to jointly build a brand foundation through our proven approach: 1. Merk positioning 2. Brand Identity 3. Website 4. Merk activation.
A brand positioning has been developed that indicates that KNEPPers roses always meet the expectations of buyers. They are reliable in quality and delivery, thanks to a perfectly furnished process from cultivation in Kenya to treatise in the Netherlands.

brand identity and Website

We have translated the positioning to the brand identity , website and a content plan. Kneppers Rozen now has a strong brand foundation to build from further.
Kneppers Rozen Photography
Kneppers Rozen Photography
Kneppers Rozen Photography
Kneppers Rozen Visual Identity
Kneppers Rozen Photography
Kneppers Rozen Visual Identity
Kneppers Rozen Photography
"By leaving and turning in from the issues of the day, it is clear to us again where our distinctive character is."
Richard Kneppers - Director
Richard Kneppers - Director
Kneppers Rozen Photography
Kneppers Rozen Photography
Kneppers Rozen Photography
Kneppers Rozen Photography
Kneppers Rozen Photography
Kneppers Rozen Website
Kneppers Rozen Visual Identity
About Kneppers Roses
Kneppers Roses is a rose grower and trading house in one. They offer certainty year -round by supplying roses of an unprecedented stable quality and availability. For example, buyers at Kneppers roses will not be faced with surprises. Thanks to their short chain, which is fully in -house from Stek to Distribution, they offer a reliable product all year round.
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    Erik den Blaauwen

    operational manager
    Every day we work on great projects: from local entrepreneurs to companies with international ambitions. We see companies grow because we let their brand shine again.

    Wendy Groenewegen

    brand strategist
    That we can make visible impact for our clients makes me happy!

    Dennis Damen

    brand strategist
    Very nice to bring out 'the gold' for so many organizations.

    Christy van der Sman

    With our team we are your creative partner for the long term. Together we get things done. Each from his own expertise. Together we celebrate successes.

    Sjoerd van Viegen

    Art Director
    Great concepts, new creations, enthusiastic clients, that is what makes me happy.

    Mendy van der Hulst

    It is so cool that I see my designs on different websites, billboards and in advertisements.

    Dennis de Baat

    Digital Designer
    We develop websites that our clients are proud of. It remains cool to think along and contribute to the growth of our clients.
    Vandeez Team
    Vandeez Team
    Vandeez Team
    Vandeez Team
    Vandeez Team
    Vandeez Team