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On the way to a
circular manufacturing industry

On the way to a
circular manufacturing industry
The manufacturing industry forms the basis for innovation and new economies. A strong manufacturing industry ensures that the Netherlands can also compete worldwide in the future. What changes will industrial companies be confronted in the coming years? And what can industrial companies do to stay future -proof? You can read it below.
Vandeez Makindustrie Top Image
Vandeez Makindustrie Top Image
Vandeez Manufacturing Industry Background Image

market changes
manufacturing industry

Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Robotization
Technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data and robotization will take care of the factory of the future. This factory is a largely or fully automated production environment with flexible assembly lines. All innovations will ensure that it is no longer by definition cheaper to produce in low -wage countries.
Persistent tight labor market drives innovation
In the coming years, the demand for work will remain greater than the supply. This ensures that the demand for technology that increases labor productivity is increasing or replaces work. New technology also requires new skills, some personnel management to attract and maintain the right people even more important.
On the way to a circular manufacturing industry
The government controls a circular manufacturing industry where products and parts are no longer thrown away or low -quality recycled, but are re -used after processing. This means a major change in the current method of production and selling.
The manufacturing industry will also have to look for solutions for the sustainable use of energy and raw materials. The manufacturing industry can play a crucial role in making the Netherlands more sustainable with innovations.
Increasing trade barriers
Given the dependence on import and export, the manufacturing industry is due to the consequences of increasing trade barriers. The risk of import and export from/to countries outside the EU continues to increase.
Scarcity of resources and raw materials
For the sector there are challenges in the field of the availability and prices of raw materials and materials. The manufacturing industry not only has to deal with high purchasing prices, but materials are in some cases unqualified due to scarcity.
Investing in research and development
Knowledge and technology become the drivers to stay ahead of competition worldwide. Industrial companies that invest relatively much in research and development operate more future -proof.
The above information is based on the research report: 'To a future -proof manufacturing industry' of Rabobank.

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