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Staff shortage
Limited growth

staff shortage
limited growth
The professional services is the lubricating oil of the Dutch knowledge economy. It is a very diverse sector that represents more than 20% of the Dutch economy. According to the CBS, our country has around 350,000 business service providers. For 2024, ING Research expects a growth of 2% in the service sector. Read all challenges within professional services below.
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Market Changes
professional services

Staff shortcut Limited Growth professional services
One of the biggest challenges for business service providers is still the shortage on the labor market. Whether it concerns accountants, lawyers, cleaners or temporary workers, they are all very difficult to find at the moment. The staff scarcity is expected to remain high in the coming years. The staff shortage limits the growth of business service providers.
lead the way and stay in digital transformations
New technologies and smart applications are often the first to be used in the sector where people and knowledge are central. Many service organizations have already undergone a digital transformation themselves. The professional services therefore serves as a testing ground for other sectors. The proper application of IT increases productivity in the sector. This results in lower costs, more flexibility and better services.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Artificial intelligence (AI) is seen as one of the most disruptive technologies that influences both daily life and business. AI consists of a number of technologies that will drastically change the current way of doing business, also in the Professional Services sector.
Online platforms
Online platforms take the place of intermediaries. We therefore see the attendence of Platforms in the flex industry (VB Temper, Youngones). These platforms match supply and demand in a fast and accessible way. This makes them a threat to traditional companies in the flex industry. On the other hand, it also offers opportunities for traditional companies by developing a platform themselves, or by taking over a platform.
sustainable future
The EU has the objective of reducing the net emission of greenhouse gases by at least 55% by 2030 and the entire EU wants to be climate neutral in 2050. The Netherlands has taken over these objectives. This also has a major impact for the professional services sector.
Scarcity of resources and raw materials
There are challenges in the field of availability and prices of raw materials and materials. The manufacturing industry not only has to deal with high purchasing prices, but materials are in some cases unqualified due to scarcity.
Investing in research and development
Knowledge and technology become the drivers to stay ahead of competition worldwide. Industrial companies that invest relatively much in research and development operate more future -proof.
The above information is based on ING Research.

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