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The art of Creative Concepting: From idea to realization
Making creativity concrete is a profession. A profession that certainly not everyone controls. In recent years I have been able to work together with various employers with a lot of creative minds. The most successful creative colleagues were the one who eye for an essential component: the desired end result. In this blog I will take you into the art of Creative Concepting and give my colleagues Christy and Sjoerd some valuable tips.
3 minutes January 30, 2024
  • Wendy Groenewegen
    Wendy Groenewegen / Brand Strategist

What is Creative Concepting?

With Creative Concepting, innovative and original ideas are generated to achieve a certain goal. Developing unique and impactful concepts that convey the message of a brand, product or service in a creative and effective way. Think of a converting website, a striking visual identity or a new campaign.

In the world of strategists, marketers, graphic designers and copywriters there is a constant demand for creative concepts . Of course we are dealing with time pressure, budgets and not to mention ... opinions. Creative Concepting is the bridge between ideas and reality, where the challenge lies in creating creative ideas that are both inspired and targeted. At Vandeez we use 3 phases:

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Phase 1: The Fundament - Brand Strategy

It all starts with the brand strategy , where the personality of the brand comes to life, strategic principles become clear and goals and target groups are focused. Strategy provides direction, has a focus on brand values ​​and ensures consistency. It is the foundation on which creativity can thrive.

Tip from Christy: In a team it is important that the brand strategist and creative designer speak the same language. Spending time, going through the Desk and Field Research together, going through a briefing; It is important as a team to feel the DNA and the ambition of the organization or the brand.

Phase 2: Creative flowering

In this phase, creativity comes to full bloom. It is the moment when the brand gets a face and a voice. The search for unique, striking concepts begins with the aim of distinguishing the brand from the rest. It requires entering unbounded paths and coming up with daring concepts that evoke and make emotions.

Tip from Sjoerd: Regularly organize a creative brainstorm with the team, for example at an external location. Let ideas flow freely and focus on originality.

Phase 3: Implementation and realization

The final phase revolves around the implementation of concepts in the picture, language, media and resources. Here ideas come to life and take on a tangible form that enchants both internal and external target groups. From design to copywriting, this phase ensures a consistent, attractive and effective presentation of the brand.

Tip from Sjoerd: choose the three most promising ideas and develop them into fully -fledged concepts. Present clearly how these concepts reflect the brand values ​​and goals.

Tip from Christy: It is important to always do the process in co-creation and that during the process you test the objectives with your stakeholders every time. In various sessions you can collect input, learn and improve your concept.

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More brand Impact with Creative Concepting

To make a real impact with your brand, Creative Concepting is indispensable. It ensures that your brand stands out, builds up a strong emotional bond and communicates effectively. And by doing that in co-creation you ensure that your creative concepts and the result are borne by your stakeholders.

Creative concepting is the synergy between strategy, creativity, and implementation that makes a brand distinctive, impactful and meaningful. We are happy to advise you on this. Take a look at our services .

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