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A new brand within the legal profession: Eef Advocatuur!

Eva Spijkerman is a born and raised Brabantse. After a law studies in Rotterdam, she finally exchanged Brabant to work in Rotterdam at a renowned law firm to learn the tricks of the trade there. For more than nine years, she has worked there with heart and soul for victims of personal injury. Then it started to tickle for itself and Eef Advocatuur came into existence.

Eef Advocatuur

brand identity website
We spoke to her former employer for the first time in 2020 in 2020. Now more than 3 years later, she approached Vandeez again, for strategic and creative advice for her own company. How to make an impact as a 'new player' within one, for her, well -known market.

creative insights session

Together with Eva we had a creative insights session. A brainstorm in which we have determined the frameworks for its visual identity and new website. Eva had clear ideas and valuable input. She is known for a personal approach, hence her office name: Eef Advocatuur. The good feeling with clients and the fact that Eva relieves you is very important in its brand identity and new website. The creatives from Vandeez have started with a color palette of pastel colors, a chic typography and personal, accessible photography. With the aim, radiate trust!

website that makes impact

The new brand identity comes into its own on its new website. Naturally, developed in the latest technology, optimally for every device and user -friendly for both user and visitor. In short, a website that makes an impact. With Focus on SEO (technology and content) which will help Eva in findability and fame.

Eef Advocatuur thus has a distinctive brand identity , with which it stands out between the 350 personal injury lawyers (LSA) who has the Netherlands. A distinctive look and feel, catchy texts, in short a wonderful start to load her own brand. And to work with heart and soul for victims of personal injury. Thanks for the trust Eva!
Logo Eef Advocatuur
Photography Eva
LSA lawyer
Photography Eva
LSA lawyer
'From offline to online business card. Everything has been thought of. Together with Vandeez a beautiful overall picture has been created. '
Eva Spijkerman - LSA Advocaat
Eva Spijkerman - LSA Advocaat
Explanation Logo Eef
Stationery Eef Advocatuur
Business card Eef Advocatuur
Stationery Eef Advocatuur
Business card Eef Advocatuur
Mobile website
Quote Eva
About Eef Advocatuur
Eva Spijkerman is a born and raised Brabantse. Because of her law studies at Erasmus University, she moved to Rotterdam. There she remained liability & insurance after obtaining her master's degree. From September 2014, EVA has been working in the legal profession and at the beginning of 2015 she was sworn in as a lawyer. Since then she has been involved in personal injury every day. Eva has worked at a reputable law firm for more than nine years and learned the tricks of the trade there. In 2020 she successfully completed the Grotius Specialization Training course, after which she was admitted to the Association of Personal Injury Advocaten (LSA).
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    Erik den Blaauwen

    operational manager
    Every day we work on great projects: from local entrepreneurs to companies with international ambitions. We see companies grow because we let their brand shine again.

    Wendy Groenewegen

    brand strategist
    That we can make visible impact for our clients makes me happy!

    Dennis Damen

    brand strategist
    Very nice to bring out 'the gold' for so many organizations.

    Christy van der Sman

    With our team we are your creative partner for the long term. Together we get things done. Each from his own expertise. Together we celebrate successes.

    Sjoerd van Viegen

    Art Director
    Great concepts, new creations, enthusiastic clients, that is what makes me happy.

    Mendy van der Hulst

    It is so cool that I see my designs on different websites, billboards and in advertisements.

    Dennis de Baat

    Digital Designer
    We develop websites that our clients are proud of. It remains cool to think along and contribute to the growth of our clients.
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    Vandeez Team
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    Vandeez Team