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Web development:
from pixel to code

Our web developers develop user -friendly websites that meet the highest standards. A website that is well thought out to the pixel.
Vandeez Brand Assets Webdevelopment
Website with the highest standards

Web development is not only about building a website, but about creating a reliable online presence that makes an impression and produces results. A website with the highest standards.

A website for the future
We develop websites for the future. Websites that
are scalable and easy to maintain.
  • Optimal user experience (UX)
  • Optimized for mobile, tablet and desktop
  • Safety first
  • Developed in Joomla!
  • Scalable for growth and SEO optimized
  • Multilingual websites
the result

Together we realize a website that is not only a business card, but a powerful instrument to achieve your goals. A website with which you are ready for the future. The website can be filled by you or your marketing team with texts and images after the CMS training. Our content specialists can also take this off your hands.

our work
  • Logo Gerbera United

    Gerbera United

    Translated the new story into a powerful positioning and brand identity

    Gerbera United

  • Logo Aweta


    A positioning that fits a market leader in sorting solutions


  • AHB Consultancy
    Logo AHB Consultancy

    AHB Consultancy

    New Brand launch: Altijd Het Beste Consultancy

    AHB Consultancy

  • Logo VARB


    Grow with new positioning to 1,000 platform participants


  • Logo Coloured by Gerbera

    Coloured by Gerbera

    Gerbera colors your day - Colorful campaign against the winter dip

    Coloured by Gerbera

  • Intertoys rebranding
    Logo Intertoys


    Translate the intertoys feeling to the brand identity


  • Logo One Flora Group

    One Flora Group

    Merger between two major players in the floriculture sector

    One Flora Group

    Vandeez Raket icon
    Our brands
    Van Deelen Liften Logo
    Multi -door logo
    Intertoys Logo
    Royal Houdijk Logo
    Butchery Aad van Eijk Logo
    Intellistore logo
    Romynox logo
    KP Holland Logo
    Van Deelen Liften Logo
    Multi -door logo
    Intertoys Logo
    Royal Houdijk Logo
    Butchery Aad van Eijk Logo
    Intellistore logo
    Romynox logo
    KP Holland Logo
    Aweta logo
    Kneppers Rose Logo
    Schotte Hoogerbrugge logo
    Coloured by Gerbera logo
    Back2Basics Logo
    Waaijerbouw Logo
    Aweta logo
    Kneppers Rose Logo
    Schotte Hoogerbrugge logo
    Coloured by Gerbera logo
    Back2Basics Logo
    Waaijerbouw Logo
    Van Deelen Liften Logo
    Multi -door logo
    Intertoys Logo
    Royal Houdijk Logo
    Butchery Aad van Eijk Logo
    Intellistore logo
    Romynox logo
    KP Holland Logo
    Van Deelen Liften Logo
    Multi -door logo
    Intertoys Logo
    Royal Houdijk Logo
    Butchery Aad van Eijk Logo
    Intellistore logo
    Romynox logo
    KP Holland Logo
    Aweta logo
    Kneppers Rose Logo
    Schotte Hoogerbrugge logo
    Coloured by Gerbera logo
    Back2Basics Logo
    Waaijerbouw Logo
    Aweta logo
    Kneppers Rose Logo
    Schotte Hoogerbrugge logo
    Coloured by Gerbera logo
    Back2Basics Logo
    Waaijerbouw Logo
    Ready for a new website?

    We are happy to get started for you.

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