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Claim your unique
position with a brand positioning

Why do customers have to choose for your organization? Claim your unique position in the market with a sharp brand positioning.
Vandeez Brand Assets Merk positioning
How does your company fall the market?

With a brand positioning you make sharp choices in which aspects of your brand you will communicate to your target group. Based on desk research, strategic sessions and interviews, we come to your distinctive positioning.

Tell what you stand for and go

A brand positioning contributes to a strong, consistent and
attractive representation of your brand. It tells:

  • who you are and what you stand for
  • where you go with your organization
  • how you can distinguish yourself from competitors
  • how you can address your potential customers
Step by step a strong brand positioning
Step 1: Brand identity

The brand identity is the core of your brand. It's what you stand for and go for. By sharply articulating your brand identity you get focus and control in everything you do. The brand identity includes your mission, vision and brand values.

Step 2: External Merkpeelveld

Why does your target group choose your brand? When your brand identity is clear, we will investigate your brand playground. Here we look for the deepest motivation of your target group and we look at how your brand can distinguish itself from other players in the market.

Step 3: Powerful brand message

Based on your brand identity and brand playing field, we determine how your brand will express itself towards the outside world. With a sharp brand message you give your target group the reason to choose your brand and confirm their feelings and desires.

the result

We deliver your brand positioning as a manual that offers you the tools to realize this positioning. In this way everyone within your organization knows what makes your brand unique and what you stand for and go for.

our work
  • Logo Waaijerbouw


    Increase visibility with a strong brand story


  • Van Deelen Liften
    Logo Van Deelen Liften

    Van Deelen Liften

    Van Deelen Liften as a brand to new heights

    Van Deelen Liften

  • Logo Aweta


    A positioning that fits a market leader in sorting solutions


  • Logo also this is the rotten

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  • Intertoys rebranding
    Logo Intertoys


    Translate the intertoys feeling to the brand identity


  • Kneppers-Rose overview
    Kneppers Rose Logo

    Kneppers Roses

    As a nursery and trading house in sight of the target group

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  • Logo Houweling Architects

    Houweling Architects

    Repositioning of architectural firm to achieve new ambition

    Houweling Architects

    Vandeez Raket icon
    our brands
    Van Deelen Liften Logo
    Multi -door logo
    Intertoys Logo
    Royal Houdijk Logo
    Butchery Aad van Eijk Logo
    Intellistore logo
    Romynox logo
    KP Holland Logo
    Van Deelen Liften Logo
    Multi -door logo
    Intertoys Logo
    Royal Houdijk Logo
    Butchery Aad van Eijk Logo
    Intellistore logo
    Romynox logo
    KP Holland Logo
    Aweta logo
    Kneppers Rose Logo
    Schotte Hoogerbrugge logo
    Coloured by Gerbera logo
    Back2Basics Logo
    Waaijerbouw Logo
    Aweta logo
    Kneppers Rose Logo
    Schotte Hoogerbrugge logo
    Coloured by Gerbera logo
    Back2Basics Logo
    Waaijerbouw Logo
    Van Deelen Liften Logo
    Multi -door logo
    Intertoys Logo
    Royal Houdijk Logo
    Butchery Aad van Eijk Logo
    Intellistore logo
    Romynox logo
    KP Holland Logo
    Van Deelen Liften Logo
    Multi -door logo
    Intertoys Logo
    Royal Houdijk Logo
    Butchery Aad van Eijk Logo
    Intellistore logo
    Romynox logo
    KP Holland Logo
    Aweta logo
    Kneppers Rose Logo
    Schotte Hoogerbrugge logo
    Coloured by Gerbera logo
    Back2Basics Logo
    Waaijerbouw Logo
    Aweta logo
    Kneppers Rose Logo
    Schotte Hoogerbrugge logo
    Coloured by Gerbera logo
    Back2Basics Logo
    Waaijerbouw Logo
    A non-binding advice?

    We are happy to work together on building your love brand.

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