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The introduction of a new brand or product

Do you want to launch a new brand or product? The first impression counts, and we help you make that impact. From strategy and naming to look and launch. Together we create a brand that lingers and makes an impression from the very first moment.
Vandeez Brand Assets Merk creation
realize your goals with a new brand

We understand that creating and introducing a new brand is a complex and strategic company. It is not just a matter of a catchy name and a logo; It is about creating a brand that appeals to your target group, touches the right chord in the market and with which you will achieve your goals.

Vandeez Merkcreation
Vandeez Icon Lamp Blink
Create a new brand with impact
Whether you are a start-up that wants to make an impressive entrance or an existing company that introduces a new brand, we are ready to create a brand with Impact.
A new brand in 3 steps
Step 1: Strategy & naming

We start with a thorough analysis of your goals, values ​​and target group. What do you want to achieve with your new brand? Which values ​​do you want to convey? Who is your ideal customer? Together we determine the strategy and name of your new brand.

Step 2: Unique brand identity

Then we dive into the creative process. Our team is ready to develop brand identity This not only includes designing an appealing logo and a recognizable visual identity , but also the use of the right visual language.

Step 3: New brand launch

Together we determine how your brand is introduced in the market. With a well -considered communication plan we ensure that all stakeholders are informed and your new brand leaves a lasting impression.

the result
With our expertise in brand creation we guarantee a powerful realization and introduction of your brand or product. From strategy and naming to launch: we provide a strong brand that attracts attention and makes an impact.
our work
  • Eef Advocatuur
    Logo Eef Advocatuur

    Eef Advocatuur

    A new brand within the legal profession: Eef Advocatuur!

    Eef Advocatuur

  • Intellistore
    Logo Intellistore


    Introduction to innovative storage and picking system


  • Logo Waaijerbouw


    Increase visibility with a strong brand story


  • Logo Gerbera United

    Gerbera United

    Translated the new story into a powerful positioning and brand identity

    Gerbera United

  • Kneppers-Rose overview
    Kneppers Rose Logo

    Kneppers Roses

    As a nursery and trading house in sight of the target group

    Kneppers Roses

  • Case Schotte Hoogerbrugge
    Logo Schotte Hoogerbrugge

    Schotte Hoogerbrugge

    Make one strong brand of two construction companies

    Schotte Hoogerbrugge

  • Veenpark Vastgoed Advies
    Logo Veenpark Vastgoed Advice

    Veenpark Vastgoed Advies

    From renovation of buildings to the brand renovation

    Veenpark Vastgoed Advies

    Vandeez Raket icon
    our brands
    Van Deelen Liften Logo
    Multi -door logo
    Intertoys Logo
    Royal Houdijk Logo
    Butchery Aad van Eijk Logo
    Intellistore logo
    Romynox logo
    KP Holland Logo
    Van Deelen Liften Logo
    Multi -door logo
    Intertoys Logo
    Royal Houdijk Logo
    Butchery Aad van Eijk Logo
    Intellistore logo
    Romynox logo
    KP Holland Logo
    Aweta logo
    Kneppers Rose Logo
    Schotte Hoogerbrugge logo
    Coloured by Gerbera logo
    Back2Basics Logo
    Waaijerbouw Logo
    Aweta logo
    Kneppers Rose Logo
    Schotte Hoogerbrugge logo
    Coloured by Gerbera logo
    Back2Basics Logo
    Waaijerbouw Logo
    Van Deelen Liften Logo
    Multi -door logo
    Intertoys Logo
    Royal Houdijk Logo
    Butchery Aad van Eijk Logo
    Intellistore logo
    Romynox logo
    KP Holland Logo
    Van Deelen Liften Logo
    Multi -door logo
    Intertoys Logo
    Royal Houdijk Logo
    Butchery Aad van Eijk Logo
    Intellistore logo
    Romynox logo
    KP Holland Logo
    Aweta logo
    Kneppers Rose Logo
    Schotte Hoogerbrugge logo
    Coloured by Gerbera logo
    Back2Basics Logo
    Waaijerbouw Logo
    Aweta logo
    Kneppers Rose Logo
    Schotte Hoogerbrugge logo
    Coloured by Gerbera logo
    Back2Basics Logo
    Waaijerbouw Logo
    Create a new brand?

    We are happy to work together on building your love brand.

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