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A strong employer brand with employer branding

Maintain and attract the right people? In the current competitive labor market, a strong employer fire is crucial. With Employer Branding we help your brand to propagate the right story.
Vandeez Brand Assets Employer Branding
What is an employer branding strategy

Employer Branding is the positioning of your organization as an attractive employer, with the aim of retaining existing employees and attracting new talent.

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Advantages Employer Branding Strategy
  • It attracts talents that fit your organization.
  • It increases the motivation and involvement of existing employees.
  • It provides ambassadors within your organization.
  • It reduces the outflow of staff.
Step by step a strong employer brand
Step 1: deploy colleagues

Your internal colleagues play a crucial role in your employer branding strategy. Because what you show to the outside world must be true with how things are going in your organization.

Step 2: reach talents

We look at the qualities, motives, interests, values ​​and needs of your ideal employee. This way we can better estimate which channels and with which message you can reach these talents.

Step 3: Continuous process

Employer Branding is an ongoing process that you have to continue to work on. It is an investment in the future of your organization as an attractive employer.

the result

With the right employer branding strategy we not only attract new talent, but we also create an attractive working environment to keep your current employees. Ultimately, this results in a better image of your organization.

our work
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    Our brands
    Van Deelen Liften Logo
    Multi -door logo
    Intertoys Logo
    Royal Houdijk Logo
    Butchery Aad van Eijk Logo
    Intellistore logo
    Romynox logo
    KP Holland Logo
    Van Deelen Liften Logo
    Multi -door logo
    Intertoys Logo
    Royal Houdijk Logo
    Butchery Aad van Eijk Logo
    Intellistore logo
    Romynox logo
    KP Holland Logo
    Aweta logo
    Kneppers Rose Logo
    Schotte Hoogerbrugge logo
    Coloured by Gerbera logo
    Back2Basics Logo
    Waaijerbouw Logo
    Aweta logo
    Kneppers Rose Logo
    Schotte Hoogerbrugge logo
    Coloured by Gerbera logo
    Back2Basics Logo
    Waaijerbouw Logo
    Van Deelen Liften Logo
    Multi -door logo
    Intertoys Logo
    Royal Houdijk Logo
    Butchery Aad van Eijk Logo
    Intellistore logo
    Romynox logo
    KP Holland Logo
    Van Deelen Liften Logo
    Multi -door logo
    Intertoys Logo
    Royal Houdijk Logo
    Butchery Aad van Eijk Logo
    Intellistore logo
    Romynox logo
    KP Holland Logo
    Aweta logo
    Kneppers Rose Logo
    Schotte Hoogerbrugge logo
    Coloured by Gerbera logo
    Back2Basics Logo
    Waaijerbouw Logo
    Aweta logo
    Kneppers Rose Logo
    Schotte Hoogerbrugge logo
    Coloured by Gerbera logo
    Back2Basics Logo
    Waaijerbouw Logo
    Start your employer brand?

    Contact us for a non-binding advice.

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