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Changing functions of

Changing functions of
Everywhere where consumers are, you will find retail. The retail is one of the greatest employers in our country intertwined in our society. The sector is on the move. The increasing importance of online shopping, technological developments and increasingly higher customer requirements make change necessary. What are these changes? And what can retail companies do to stay future -proof? You can read it below.
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market changes
for retail

consciously consume
Everything that companies do is becoming increasingly visible. The pressure to profile yourself in a good way is increasing this. Why we buy something and how companies contribute to a better society is becoming increasingly important in our purchase consideration.
Changing functions of stores
The function of stores changes from the transaction space to the attraction location. A place with a strong attraction where consumers like to come. In the most extreme form, shops are places where no transactions take place at all.
consumer as co -producer
The consumer transforms from end user to co -producer. Strongly driven by technological developments, the end user increasingly involves brands in the production process. Customization is already normal in the living sector, but this blows over almost any other retail industry.
Further digitization
The driving force behind future growth and change is digitization. In addition to new applications, this mainly relates to the possession and use of data. Towards 2030, companies such as Microsoft, Apple, Alphabet and Meta with their data, reach and applications will have even more influence on how supply and demand are brought together.
Purchases via Algorithm
Buy nothing yourself but get everything you need automatically delivered every day. Intelligent products that order themselves when they are almost finished. Smart refrigerators that ensure that they are always well filled. A scenario that is possible with technology and artificial intelligence.
use instead of possession
In the future, consumers are buying more and more contracts (services) and fewer and fewer products. Owning a product is not necessary to use it. Car lease contracts or a Subscription to Spotify are well -known examples. Driven by economic, social and practical motives, more and more consumers are open to paying for use instead of possession.
sustainable and circular economy
The traditional cycle of production, consumption and throwing away must be broken. The disposable company of which the retail is a part is not future -proof. With the knowledge of customers, logistics and services, retail can make a major contribution to the realization of a sustainable and circular economy. An economy where almost everything is reused and waste is the new raw material.
Speed ​​and flexibility
Speed ​​and flexibility remain essential for retailers. Logistics service providers therefore fully focus on the efficient use of air, land and water. Retail companies are therefore confronted with an enormous amount of delivery options. E.g. Delivery by drones, (bicycle) couriers, independent robots or self -driving cars.
social commerce
Under the influence of social media, word-of-mouth advertising as a dominant form of marketing is only increasing. Every customer is a media channel that is constantly on and constantly influencing others via social media about what we should buy and where. The result is a huge increase in social media marketing budgets.
The above information is based on the research report: 'Retail towards 2030 from Inretail'.

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