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those are the standards.

those are the standards.
The agricultural and horticulture sector is inextricably linked to the Netherlands. What changes will be confronted with in the coming years with? And what can the sector do to stay future -proof and leading in the world? You can read it below.
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market changes
agriculture and horticulture

Change business forms
Traditional family companies are getting more and more group of other and considerably larger business forms due to accelerated scaling up with mergers, acquisitions, collectives and franchise organizations.
tran contact us antie and sustainability are the norm
TRAN contact us ANTIE towards market parties, the environment and government becomes part of the revenue model of agricultural and horticultural companies. Sustainability becomes a precondition for the future-proofiness of agricultural and horticultural companies.
chain relationships are becoming more firm
Ad-hoc relationships are increasingly being replaced by long-term partnerships. The share of free trade is decreasing and every link that does not add value within the sales chain falls.
Changing demand consumer
In the first place, consumers want agricultural and horticultural products with a good price/quality ratio. But they are willing to pay more if meaning, experience or convenience is in return.
precision land and horticulture
Precision country and horticulture gets a more prominent role in the production process. With precision country and horticulture, plants or animals get the treatment they need very accurately with the help of technology.
Labor shortage pushes innovation
The demand for labor remains high and the supply remains limited. This ensures that the demand for technology that can increase labor productivity or even replace work will only increase. But this new technology also requires new skills.
Scarcity of sources and raw materials
There are challenges for the sector in the field of availability and prices of raw materials and materials. The agriculture and horticulture not only has to deal with high purchasing prices, but in some cases materials are not available due to scarcity.
Local-For-Local Market
Agriculture and horticulture is largely a 'local-for-local market' where the sales take place within a radius of approximately 800 km. For import and export outside this area, risk perception has changed in recent years.
Support for agricultural and horticultural sector under pressure
It is important that there is social support in the Netherlands for a large agricultural and horticultural sector. The sector must take the lead and keep control of the positioning of agriculture and horticulture in the public debate.
growth online channel
The online channel continues to grow. Information is easier from producer to consumer and back. Through online channels it is also easier to create shelf space for a wide range than via physical stores, with a potentially larger range.

The above information is based on the research report: Future-proof agriculture and horticulture in 2030 'by Rabobank.

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